
Published on:

14th Jun 2017

Episode 54: God Grows His Church

Descriptive or prescriptive? Many have chosen to look at the behaviors of the early church as causal to the growth of the church. This thinking has also extended to conclude that, if we want God’s church to grow today, we need to do what the early church did. Certainly, there are some principles behind the practices that may lead to a healthier church community, but this week’s text reveals the source of church growth.

One of our #fhcTAKEAWAYS this week asked the question:
* How innovative and engaged with the culture should the church be today for the sake of the gospel going to the world? AND Where might God be calling you to excellence in secular culture for kingdom benefit? These two are joined at the hip in my mind and for many also a source of discomfort. Being wrapped in a safety bubble of our church, our denomination, our own bible study, our own “religion” so to speak, is so much safer and SO much easier than being engaged in with the culture. Being engaged means being vulnerable and empathetic, and eventually a call to real action, likely to push one from their comfort zone awaits. It’s not easy, but so crucial. Would love to hear how you feel about or how you would answer each or both of those questions.

Please share and reach out to us directly from the FHC Mobile App. You can share by using the Media tab, and then - Podcast banner - use the text and email share buttons, or use one of the following:

■ Text: 407-965-1607
■ Email: podcast@hospitalchurch.org
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■ Social Media: #fhcPODCAST / #fhcTAKEAWAYS

Tune in every Wednesday as we take a look back at our prior week's message for unique takeaways, added perspective, and a peek at the upcoming message at the Florida Hospital Church. Thank you for joining us and we will see you next week for Episode 55!

Watch the message that coincides with this episode in the FHC Mobile App by clicking on Media and then Archives or go to our website: http://hospitalchurch.org/sermon/god-grows-his-church/

Download our App via the Apple App Store: https://appsto.re/us/pqa9fb.i
Download our App via the Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bluebridgechurches.floridahospitalchurch

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About the Podcast

This Is WholeLife
A weekly conversation around a variety of topics being shared and discussed at the WholeLife Church in Orlando Florida. If you join us online or in person you are familiar with our #WholeLifeTakeAways and this is where we continue those conversations!
This is WholeLife is a weekly conversation where we dive deeper into the message and topics at WholeLife Church in Orlando, Florida. Enjoy a mix of light-hearted fun and transparency as we seek answers with Pastors Ken Wetmore, Jeff Cinquemani, Melanie Bockmann, and Communications Director and Host Randy Magray.  It’s the perfect midweek commute podcast to grow personally and spiritually with your WholeLife family! We encourage your questions, comments, and feedback, which we discuss and share in every episode!   

Reach out and join the conversation by email: podcast@wholelife.church, voice mail, or text message at 407-965-1607 and through our social media feeds using #ThisIsWholeLife.

About your hosts

WholeLife Church

Profile picture for WholeLife Church
WholeLife Church is a diverse congregation in Orlando, Florida. Our mission is loving people into a lifelong friendship with God.

We are . . . single, married, divorced, female, male, straight, LGBTQ, poor, rich, old, young. At WholeLife Church, we welcome any member of the community to join us in worship. We don’t care if you’re a practicing Christian or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We want to offer you grace and peace as you begin or continue your faith journey.

We are WholeLife Church, and we’re all welcome here.

Randy Magray

Profile picture for Randy Magray
Randy is a #TitleTownUSA native and certified #CheeseHead, being born and raised in Green Bay Wisconsin for 30 years. Randy and his wife Heather moved to the Orlando area in 2001 where daughters Ellie and Emilie eventually joined the family. They have been members at WholeLife Church since 2016 when Randy began hosting and producing the church's podcast This Is WholeLife and adding Speaking of Grace in 2020.

Randy's first job was working at a produce farm when he was 12 and his career has continued to be a diverse journey through the years including brick mason, home builder, financial advisor, media producer, and business owner/entrepreneur in multiple industries.

As the Digital Ministries director he looks forward to growing together as family through digital engagement that shines the light of Jesus in a way that searching hearts are engaged into a lifelong friendship with God. Randy's favorite and go-to Bible chapter.

In his free time you will find Randy tweeting about and cheering his Green Bay Packers and riding his Harley Davidson (where he has occasionally delivered WholeLife Church Announcements), relaxing at Ormond Beach with his family, and listening to podcasts!

Alexey Melnik

Profile picture for Alexey Melnik
Alexey is in charge of keeping our episodes and the message series they belong to organized and updated into Collections for distribution.